Book Nerd Rambles

Book Nerd Rambles

My name's Melissa and I've decided it's time to venture out of my little reading box and into the world of book reviewing for my 2015 New Years resolution. I've been known to post a short review on my instagram or twitter here and there but I never thought about making a blog out of it until now. So yeah I'm kind of new to this exciting world so go easy on me.

I'm mostly into YA and NA and don't really venture into anything else besides Classics every now and then. Thus my reviews will be center on anything in those genres. I have to warn you now though that I have a bit of an obsession with dystopia so I usually read any of that genre that I can get my hands on, within reason of course. Because there is always those books in any genre, even your favorite, that you can't get into to save your life.

Hopefully someone reads my reviews, positive or negative, and checks the book out for themselves!

Note: I have cross-posting activated on this account so when I post a review here it also automatically posts on my goodreads. However, I also post the links on my instagram as well.