Well hello there! If you're looking at this you're either curious or you're an author or publisher. I'm new to this so I'm not really expecting anything to come of this little page just yet but I figured it was good to be prepared. This lovely blog is for reviews of books I've read, I cross post with my goodreads so any review I post on here also posts on there. I've just recently started doing actual reviews and using Net Gallery to request ARCs from publishers or authors to review. I'm not a professional and I've mainly decided to do this for fun and because I love sharing my thoughts on books with other readers in the hopes they'll pick up the book for themselves and read it too.
Thus this page is for any author or publisher looking for a reader to read and review a book for them. If I'm the reader you're looking for than I'll be more than happy to do it! All you have to do is shoot me an email with the details. However, I can only accept 3 formats EPUB (because I'm a NOOK person), PDF, and physical copies. As I've stated on my Net Gallery account I promise to be completely honest in my reviews. If I loved the book you'll know and if I hated it you'll known. I'm not one to hide her honest opinion about a book. However, even if I didn't like it that doesn't mean the review will be bad. I appreciate well written books and know that not every book is loved by every person so I'll also review on the basis of how I think someone else might love it even if I didn't.
At the moment beside work and my own personal list of books I want to read I don't have many time constraints. However, I will be starting college Fall 2015 so when that time comes I won't have as much free time as I do now. That being said if you send me an email on a book you would like me to read and review depending on if I'm reading another book at that moment be it from my personal list or an ARC I requested from Net Gallery will determine how long it will be from the point when I get your email to when I read, finish, and review the book. Also another factor will be if I have any requests I received before yours or if I've had any other requests of my own approved on Net Gallery before I got your email. All of that aside I will read and review your book. It may take a little time but I will get to it.
So if you're an author or publisher interested in me reading and reviewing a book then my email is booknerdmomo93@gmail.com
- Please include a synopsis, quote, release date, and where you would like me to review it in your email.